A Selection of Shrimps


Small but Mighty are the Shrimps to taste. Think of the Sea and you will be almost there. Salty, sharp, sweet and soft all in a small package that used to swim in the Sea. 

I must say with a little net and my Wellington boots, I use to catch lots of Shrimps in my childhood. You have in the Channel about two to three types of Shrimps. As far as I know or seen. There are the little Grey ones, the little Brown ones, and the almost Transluscent ones.


Shrimps, a nice Snack.

Shrimps are probably an evolution on the Sand Flea or the Krill but I absolutely do not know, otherwise I would be called Linneus, Wallace or Darwin. But I am not.

So lets just say that the Shrimp is a fairly smaller Prawn, but that the Prawn is sweeter and the Shrimp is a tiny bit more salty. After the Prawn you have the Langoustine or shall we say the Ecrevisse or Crayfish. Then comes the mighty Lobster.

Langoustines in Butter Parsley Edited.JPG

Langoustine, a mighty Prawn to say the least.

Anyhow after cooking all do turn Pink, Orange or Red. For the Shrimps as an ingredient the best known dish is the Potted Shrimp to be served with Toast, Bread or Melba Toast. This is not as simple as it can get but it is fairly easy to do with love and care. A pinch of Cayenne Pepper and one of gratted Nutmeg make the Shrimps sing or dance to Popcorn in front of the Swedish Chef. Don't ask watch the link instead.

The Swedish and the Shrimp. Muppet Show.

If spicing the Shrimps does help to some extent their inner saltiness are a plus not to be ignored. Shrimps can be enjoyed on their own or with dips, sauces or condiments. They are like a simple but very nice starter or Tea time Treat.

However they can also very well be part of a luscious sauce beside a nice piece of Fish fillet. Think of a Beurre Blanc Sauce or a White Wine one for example to elevate the Fish dish. The Shrimps will add the touch of saltiness. Cockles coud be added for a touch of sweetness. 


 It is much better to shell the Shrimps before using them in any Sauce to be next to a piece of Fish.

Brown Shrimps
A Selection of Brown Shrimps