Stuffed Mushrooms are easy to put together with an array of different topings. This version uses the large Portobello Mushrooms which are so suitable for stuffing. They do make an ideal and simple Brunch. Those are filled with Scrambled Eggs and top up with Breadcrumbs. They are soft yet scrumptious.

Putting it all Together
Stuffed Mushrooms with Scrambled Eggs.
  • Preptime: 15-20 minutes.
  • Cooktime: 15 minutes.
  • Servings: 2 portions

4-6 Portobello Mushrooms, large ones.

4-6 Free Range Eggs.

Cracked Black Peppercorns.

Sea Salt.

Chopped Chives.

8 to 12 Tablespoons of Single Cream.

Butter 75g to 100g.

Breadcrumbs 100g to 150g. 

1 or 2 sprigs of Rosmary with the Leaves chopped.

A little Thyme Leaves.

A little Olive Oil.

1 or 2 thin Pancetta rashers chopped.

Optional: Gratted Gruyére or Gratted Parmesan.




The first step is to pre-heat the oven to gas mark 4.

Prepare the Portobello Mushrooms by removing their stems. 

Keep the stems, do not discard them instead chop them in little bits.

Remove the Leaves of the Rosemary stalks and chopped them very thinly.

Remove the Leaves of the Thyme then set aside with the Rosemary.

Prepare a Baking Tray by drizzling some Olive Oil upon it. Then place all of your Mushrooms on the tray, spacing them evenly. Season the inside with Salt and crushed Black Peppercorns lightly inside their cups which must always face you. Drizzle a little Olive Oil upon the Portobello Mushrooms.

It is time to add the little Aromatic yet fragrant touches by sprinkling the Rosemary and Thyme within the Mushrooms. Then place the Baking tray in the oven. This prior baking of the Portobello Mushrooms will allow their texture to dry up a little and ferm up slightly enough to be able to hold the Stufffing Ingredients. This takes between 5 and 10 minutes depending on the size of the Mushrooms and their Water contents.

Meanwhile chopped the Chives. Break your Eggs and put a pan on the stove to do your Scrambled Eggs. If using cut your thin Pancetta.

Start your Scrambled Eggs. This is done upon a gentle heat, but also very careful stirring while pouring the single Cream. During that stage add one after the other, your chopped Pancetta, your chopped stems of Mushrooms, your Chives and your Seasoning.

When a nice consistancy is within the Scrambled Eggs put them aside. Take the Portobello Mushrooms out of the oven. Do not turn off the oven.

Prepare your Breadcrumbs by doing them in the Mixer or use already Home Made Breadcrumbs or shop bought ones like Panko Crumbs or Golden Crumbs.

Pour your Scrambled Eggs in an even manner between all the Portobello Mushrooms which are partly cooked at that stages.

Topped with the Breadcrumbs and Cheese if using then put the tray back in the oven. It usually takes about 15 minutes to be ready. 20 minutes if Gruyére or Parmesan Cheese is applied on top of the Crumbs. It should result in a nice gratiné look in that case. On the other hand, without Cheese the Portobello Mushrooms make a Brunch which as texture to munch on.

Give or take it is about 2 to 3 Portobello Mushrooms per Person. This simple Brunch can be accompanied by a nice little Bistro Salad. 

I will add one thing. I have difficulty swallowing therefore the soft texture of this Brunch allows me to have Protein and Calcium and one of my five a day... Food for Thought. 




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