The Summer Fruits Salad is vibrant and ever so refreshing with its multiple Fruits. It is a mix and match of joyful bursts of flavours which are perfect to finish a Summer evening or to be delighted with during a Summer Tea Party in the Garden. Packed full of Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, this little Salad packs a Punch especially with Pimm's within it.

Putting it all Together
Summer Fruits Salad.
  • Preptime: 15-20 minutes. Assemblage.
  • Cooktime: None.
  • Servings: 4 to 6 portions.

4 Kiwi Fruits.

4 Apricots.

1 bunch of Mint.

Strawberries 500g.

Raspberries 400g.

Blueberries 300g.

6 Plums.

Redcurrants 250g.

2 to 3 Bananas.

1 Vanilla Pod.

Lemonade or Sparkling Water 750ml.

Pimm's 250ml. 



First, it will be to get all your Fruits to be used in front of you and the glasses or the large glass bowls for Salad (1 or 2).

This Salad can be served in individual portions or in large bowls for everyone to help themselves to.

Put the Lemonade into the large bowl.

Peel, deseed and slice the Kiwi Fruits then add to the bowl.

Stone the Apricots and Plums and cut them into quarters before putting them to the Salad bowl.

Take the stalks off the Strawberries and discard the stalks. As for the Strawberries cut them in half before adding them to the Salad. 

Put a slit Vanilla Stick into the Salad bowl for flavour.

Peel and slice the Bananas then place the slices into the bowls.

Add the Raspberries and Blueberries.

Then comes the Pimm's if used. Stir gently all your Fruits together.

Last comes the Redcurrants for they are decorative and mustn't sink within the Salad bowl.

To finish everything off put some small Mint leaves across the Fruit Salad for a refreshing touch.



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