Putting it all Together
Grilled Mackerel with Med' Veg
  • Preptime: 10-15 minutes. Assemblage.
  • Cooktime: 10 to 15 minutes
  • Servings: 4 portions

Mackerel Fillets 4.

Cherry Tomatoes 12.

Green Olives 24.

Espelette Chilli or Red Chilli 2.

Red Onions 2.

A Bunch of Parsley. Chopped.

Blood Veined Sorel 200g.

Multicoloured Peppercorn.

Smoked Sea Salt.



First is the Preparation of almost all the Elements of the Dish. Start by peeling and chopping the Red Onions in slices or roughly.

Then halve all the Cherry Tomatoes. Divide the chopped Red Onions and the Tomatoes into the four plates. You looking at 4 Cherry tomatoes per plate, so 8 halves in one plate. For the Red Onions, it is half of one for each person.

Place the Sorrel on the plates around 50 g per plate.

As for the Green Olives, it is 6 per person, but cut them in half, just like the Cherry Tomatoes.

Chop the Bunch of Parsley.

Cut a Lemon into quarter to put on the plates.

Gloves on lastly you can slice your Espelette Chillies. This Chilli is relatively mild but if you prefer remove the seeds to have less heat. You can also keep the seeds and grow them as Chillies make very decorative plants but also can be gifted to a Friend or a Foodie Friend.

As for repartition upon the plates, it is roughly half a Chilli per person.

Then it is time to just concentrate on the Fillets of Mackerel. Season them and brush a little Olive Oil upon them while the Grilling Pan is pre-heated.

Depending on the size of the Pan put the four Fillets or do by batches of 2. Prepare a plate with Kitchen Towel which will  receive the Fillets of Mackerel when they are ready to absorb any excess Oil.

For the Grilling, place the Fillets on the pan skin first. Do not fiddle with the Mackerel let them take the heat for about 4 to 5 minutes, give or take, then turn the Fillets over on the flesh side to finish them off for about 3 to 4 minutes.

When all four Mackerel are done, degreased which allow them to rest a little place them in the plates. Finish of with Seasoning and a sprinkle of chopped Parsley then you are ready to serve.

This Mediterranean Dinner or Fish course is highly enjoyable in the Summer months but also during the start of September. 

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