Putting it all Together
Prawns Salad
  • Preptime: Chopping: about 15 minutes.
  • Cooktime: 5 Minutes
  • Servings: 2 portions

A dozen to two dozens Prawns or Tiger Prawns.

A couple of Avocadoes, skinned and sliced lengthway into semi-quarters.

A couple of Limes.

Some Rocket Leaves divided upon the two plates.

Lime and Avocado Oil Dressing with cracked Black and Red Peppercorns.

Chopped Parsley or Coriander.


Prepare your Avocadoes first but make sure that they are not too ripe and that you do not hurt your hands. Scoop the stones out of them with a spoon. Then skin the Avocadoes carefully. When this is done slice them lengthway so you do get crescents upon each plate. Drizzle them with a little Juice of a Lime to make sure they do not go brown.

The second step is to prepare and cook your Prawns. You must remove the heads but you can keep the tails however just shell the bodies. Take the black middle part on the top of the Prawn for it is its digestive track and it is better to not eat it. Then sautée your Prawns in a little Avocado Oil until they are rendered. 

Meanwhile you can prepare the dressing with Lime and Avocado Oil, Cracked Black and Red Peppercorns, and a Pinch of Sea Salt.

Then it is just a matter of bringing the Ingredients together. Put a handfull of Rockets Leaves on each plate with the Avocadoes. Add your cooked Prawns. Finish off with the Dressing and the choped Parsley or Coriander.

Last but not least add slices of Lime for decoration as well for the acidity kick it does give to round up the  Prawn and Avocado Salad.

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