
Growing vegetables and fruits helps us to be conscious of the seasons. Let it be on a windowsill, a balcony, or in our little patio style garden, picking some fresh herbs, garlic, lettuce leaves, tomatoes, romanesco peppers and plenty more gives us pleasure and great satisfaction. There is always a sense of anticipation at the prospect of collecting the fruits and veggies of your tender love and care if I may say, from the first strawberries to the last of the winter roots. It gives you a connection in some way with the seasons, but also year on year, to be aware of a particularly wet Spring, an especially dry Summer, a very auspicious Autumn which may allow you to carry on gardening or a very frosty Winter and their consequences in the garden. It can be a right struggle out there for a particular plant at a particular time while another will thrive in the same conditions. It takes years of practice and lots of trials and, yes, some failures but growing some of your food is highly rewarding. It only starts with seeds, tubers and roots, a good sprinkle of TLC and then some growing magic happens. Seasonality can be brought to a plate by bespoke menus month by month. It gives a welcoming variety all year round. Just to have a little know-how of what ingredients are best when is an excellent tool for any home cook. It is all about enjoying the fruits and vegs of every month of the year but not only that. It is also being conscious of seasonality for fish and shellfish to avoid overfishing and protect their breeding seasons. In this section, you will find seasonal recipes ideas and monthly guides of what is in season when. I hope this will help you to bring all the beauty of each season into your kitchen, plate and garden...

A Selection of Spring Recipes.
A Selection of Summer Recipes
A Selection of Autumnal Recipes.
A Selection of Winter Recipes.