The Winter Seasonal Produce of a garden under our climate is very varied. The Fruits and Vegs of this hivernal season are almost the unsung heroes of the calendar year when most of us are looking forward to the bounties of all of the other seasons instead of looking forward to this hardy bunch. But what a bunch they are from the festive Brussels Sprouts, Chestnuts and Cranberries to the humble roots Parsnips, Beetroots, Celeriac, Turnips... passing by the almost evergreen Greens such as Swiss Chard, Cabbage, Kale... And plenty more! In fact, the Winter plate made from Seasonal Winter Fruits and Veg is a very decent one at that. Let's have a closer look month by month of what is available starting by December, the first step of the Winter months, and finishing with February, the "should be" last leg of the colder days. 

Winter Fruits and Veg
December Fruits and Veg
December Fruits and Veg